Please …. I do not consider myself a sex therapist or anything even close. What I enjoy and I am passionate about is energy, specifically the energies that inhabit our being. For this reason I agreed to this interview.

Sexuality is a very powerful energy, it is not just skin-to-skin contact. It is much more than that. When we achieve sexual climax all the cells in our body shudder.  It is our very personal “Big Bang”, quite similar to the energy of creation. It is said that we begin to grow old, when we neglect our sexuality.

In order to inspire we have to fall in love with ourselves. I am not talking about the pathological sense of narcissism, simply that you cannot project or offer others what you don’t have. Many times we confuse this powerful energy with the attraction that beauty provokes, but external beauty is like the outer skin of the fruit, if inside there is no pulp that pleases us, that encourages us to continue enjoying, it is of no use to us. The fruit is hollow, without depth and very perishable.

It is not just about staying attractive, it is cultivating our values, our greatness, our virtues to empower all our energies including the sexual energy.

I share with you a beautiful phrase very in tune with this topic:

“Loving yourself is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime.”

— Romina Ramil


Chanel bag
Seven jeans
Levi’s jacket
Giuseppe Zanotti sneakers
Pictures by Cecilia Herrera
English editing by Julio Abislaiman
