There is no beauty or complete harmony without first seeking the developing of our being.

I’m about to turn sixty-five. What most refer as “mid sixties” or sexagenarian a word that denotes certain negative implications. I would replace it with “sexigenarian” Which sounds more encouraging, and more in tune with what the future holds.

We know that we have an aging clock in our body, and that with the right attitude and lifestyle we can delay or advance it.

Although there are multiple aesthetic procedures available to help improve our physique, the true fountain of youth and of all power dwells in our mind. Reinventing ourselves, challenging ourselves and achieving gives us an immediate rejuvenation boost.

Our generation is going to live longer. The predictions are even scary! And we must question, imagine …how we want to see each other twenty years from now. Riding a bicycle with our great grandchildren or lying bed?

I feel like I’m entering into a stage in my life where I have greater control of who I am, and where I want to go, like never before.
