To create … first you have to dream!💥

How many of us have been told, Ah … you’re dreaming about fairy tales, get down from that cloud, that’s an unattainable dream, etc.

And although sometimes we deviate from the main highway, in order to achieve great feats, you first have to think about them, imagine them and dream them many times over.

Many of us believe that our intellect is responsible for our success, but if our intelligence is not tied to motivation, we will not get far.

Motivation is that generating lever that supplies us with passion, determination and persistence.  Three key elements needed if we really want to conceive the dream. But, beware, motivation is very elusive, it weakens, and it escapes in the face of adversity and conflict.

Everyone is responsible for not letting motivation escape. How?  With the discipline and authority to keep your focus on achieving your dream.  In moving every day in the same direction, even if it means correcting the course many times during the day. The path is never direct … and sometimes we get lost, and it’s OK, as long as we correct our bearings and never loose interest in our arrival.

“In order for the possible to emerge, we must try again and again the impossible ”

Hermann Hesse

Skirt: Lisa Cappalli
Top: Alemais, Olivia Boutique
English editing: Julio Abislaiman
Fotos por Elian Peralta y Roselio Almonte
Casa Kimball, Cabrera, Dominican Republic
