Today I want to share a practice that is very much in vogue: Mindfulness.

This word, which many of you have already heard, means being in the present, in the here and now. Enjoying the moment, without our mind distracting us and taking us elsewhere. It basically means to silence the chatter that we have inside.

Our mind has two ways of being: agitated or calm.

The agitated mind is the confused mind, the one that thinks and thinks, submits judgments and conclusions. It does not act clearly. It is like turbid water, that does not let us see its bottom. In this state it is difficult for us to connect with our talents and abilities, due to distraction.

The calm mind on the other hand has control. It is the conscious one. Aware of its surroundings, is always present. It observes and accepts without judgment.

But in order to access this mind, silence must be penetrated, and this is where we find our true essence, our true self.

Mindfulness or awareness helps us transcend, and explore beyond what you think you are. Stilling our mind expands our vision and understanding.
Every time you remember, enjoy the moment, even if you are doing a simple task, and yes… even if you are stuck in traffic. It takes practice and we must be reminding ourselves to return to the present.

We can’t stop dressing up…. we could be in danger of loosing the habit.

Whenever you have an unpleasant situation, take refuge in the present.
That in reality, is the only time that exists, it is the only time we own. Let’s take advantage of it.

Take good care of yourselves!


Pictures x Cecilia Herrera
English Editing x Julio Abislaiman
Shoes x Giuseppe Zanotti
Top x Olivia Boutique
