If you were told that you have an unimaginable power within you, wouldn’t you want to know about it, activate it, know how to train it? But before you get all hyped up, you must first question what your beliefs are, because according to those beliefs, your truths will follow.

I ask, are truths absolute or relative? Ask yourself in which category are your beliefs. For a truth to be absolute it has to have an infinite point of reference, such as mathematics, death, human reproduction just to name a few examples.

Truths that are relative change according to advances in science and technology.

There is a boom, and growing interest in understanding our mental power. But in order to activate this power we must truly believe in it, and when I say believe in it, it has to be from the depths of our being. Once we start to taste this power we must train constantly so that it yields the benefits we are pursuing.

The mind can be your best ally or your worst enemy.

How is the mind trained? By focusing on what we want to manifest. Practice meditation, awareness (live the moment, the present) listen to talks from scholars who have trained and excelled in this subject.

Some of my favorite mentors are : Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Dr. John Hagelin, Dr. Deepak Chopra, and Dr. Mario Alonso Puig. Tune in to them. Hear what they have to say. Immerse yourself in their knowledge.

Train yourself in this practice and you will discover a much better world‼ ️

Reality is not something that exists, it is something that is created at every moment.

Pictures x Cecilia Herrera
English editing x Julio Abislaiman
Skirt x María Elena Villamil
Top x Tees by Teena
Belt x Gucci
