In response to the fragility of our times, we all long for a new and better world. This dream involves a series of fundamental changes which we can begin to employ by practicing acts of kindness. 

Goodness is at the highest point in the scale of human intelligence. It is the foundation of every healthy brain. This is precisely how Dr Richard Davidson, a specialist in affective neuroscience, describes it. When we practice acts of kindness, that kindness reverts to us. Why?

Because when we practice this act we feel pleasure and our body begins to secrete oxytocin, the hormone responsible for making us feel love, compassion, empathy and connectedness. 

Goodness is an act that is cultivated, and needs to be cared for and constantly be looked after. You can begin by doing this. When someone addresses you, be it your partner, your child, or a stranger, look that person in the eye and give them your full attention.

Failure to do so is unconsciously an act of disrespect. We are denying the other person our courtesy. We can argue: ah … but, what if I’m not interested, or I don’t have the time. It is valuable to keep in mind that the art of communication is essential in any human relationship. 

Every time we offer acts of kindness toward others, the positive energy keeps expanding indefinitely and continues to spread more kindness, which in turn creates more oxytocin. 

Experts on the topic have stated that when your partner speaks to you, if you do not give them your full attention, you are practicing a form of abuse towards that person. If we want to live in a better world.

Outfit: Olivia Boutique
Cowboy boots: Lanvin
Pictures: Cecilia Herrera
English editing: Julio Abislaimán
